
The Webery of Rablogan Castle



















Standard Pricing



Web Solutions














Web-site Design & Development US$

Web-site Initial Setup

$50 per domain
$75 per hour

Web-site Maintenance  
  Annual Contract
Non-Contract Hourly Rate

$75 per hour
Domain Name Registration Services

Domain Name Research & Registration

Domain Name Renewal

Domain Name Fees

$50 plus fees
$50 plus

Web-site Hosting(per month) with Annual Contract
Bare-bones Service
- up to 15mb disk-space
- personalized email( 5 accounts)
Standard Service
- up to 100mb disk-space
- personalized email( 25 accounts)
Premium Service

- up to 1Gb disk-space
- unlimited personalized email
- statistical monitoring and near-live reporting
- other services available at extra cost

Additional Services available

Advanced Demographic Reporting Service Add-on

Secure Server Add-on 

Web-site Search-engine Add-on
Shopping Cart

$45 per month


And then we savour a quite glass of wine because we believe that

Vinum Essentia est Vitae

This site designed, developed and hosted by The Webery at Rablogan Castle